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Create a New Filing System

Make finding the files you need easier with a filing organizational system. There are a number of different ways you can go about reorganizing your files; however, if you have a lot of files, consider putting them into “zones” by type.

    • Write out different categories you will need to file paperwork into, such as bills, taxes, medical, house and auto, school, etc.
    • Purchase file folders in a few basic colors and then establish which color will be designated to each “zone.” Actually write out your key that denotes which color represents each category.
    • Use your Dymo LabelManager to print labels for subcategories within each of your main categories. For example, under Bills and Banking, you might include unpaid bills, paid bills, car loan, mortgage, etc. Under medical, you might include prescriptions, benefits information, paid doctor bills, etc.

Now get to work filing! The hard part is getting your news organizational system set up. Once that is in place the rest is easy. Also, I suggest making sure you have a place to stack unsorted mail so you never have to wonder if a bill has been paid.

