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Plastic Containers vs. Pouches: 3 Factors to Consider

Searching for the right packaging for your product? You’re not alone. Companies want to find packaging that will provide them with the volume and protection they need at the most affordable price. There are three main factors companies need to consider to determine what is right for their needs. It is my hope that after reading these, you will be able to make a better decision about whether stand up pouches or plastic containers are right for you.

The cost of manufacturing

Cost is always the biggest factor you have to consider. Yes, beautiful glass jars may provide the most attractive end product, but the cost of the containers paired with the added weight in shipping makes them a much more costly option. It costs between 15 and 20 cents to make a plastic pouch, vs 35, and 50 cents for plastic containers. For small start-ups, it may be better to invest in the plastic pouches with a beautifully designed custom label rather than the more costly investment in a plastic container.


This is another major factor you have to consider. Even though you may save a great deal using plastic pouches, if your product is damaged or broken when it gets into your customer’s hands you will not only lose money from wasted, damaged inventory but also damage your brand’s reputation, which could have far-reaching consequences.

The stand-up pouches combine layers of plastic, which can stand up against transport and handling, however, they might not provide much protection against unexpected blows and wear and tear.


Plastic containers can be purchased in unique shapes that will catch the eye of your customers. However, the more unique containers are also going to cost more, a cost that will have to be passed off to your customer in the form of increased pricing, which may defeat the purpose.

There are limited options with shapes for stand up pouches. However, they do offer ample space to place a custom label and make the pouch more attractive.

While the RIGHT packaging may vary from company to company, depending upon their specific needs. However, the stand-up pouch provides the best overall value when you consider protection, attractiveness, and the overall costs.

