One of our most popular industrial labels is our Custom Weatherproof Service Label. This label is designed to withstand the elements and comes in 3 sizes (2.5" x 1.5", 3" x 2", and 4" x 3") of brushed silver polyester. What makes this label a best-seller is the fact that you can customize this label online.
This means you can put your logo, text and information on the label, exactly as you would like for it to appear. The design tool, while mostly straightforward, has some features that can be confusing at first. So here are three quick things to keep in mind while creating your labels.
1. These Labels print in black only.
You can still upload logos or images in color, but our tool will take these images and convert them to true black. Any light colors will become transparent, while darker colors will turn to true black. So keep in mind that you should darken colors and images that you want to be converted to black and show up in print.
2. Keep the actual size in mind.
Oftentimes, customers will forget that the label they are purchasing is only a few inches in length and width. They will cram a ton of 6 pt. font onto the label. What results is a barely legible label that prints quite poorly. Just remember what the actual size of the label is while you are creating. It often helps to keep a physical guide like a post-it note with the actual dimensions marked off.
3. Focus on one main call-to-action.
The majority of people will only be glancing at your label, so make sure that the most important piece of information on the label is large and clear. This will help ensure that you get repeat business.