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Why You're Missing Out on Repeat Customers

You have an amazing product that you believe in and that your customers love. Of course, your product is so good that your customers want to come back for more, but are you preventing them from knowing exactly how?

Brand Continuity

One reason you might not be retaining repeat customers is that you haven’t cemented your brand identity in your customer’s minds. A repeat, long-term relationship forms only with a consistent brand image that is impossible for a customer to miss. Maintaining this clear identity across all aspects of your customer's experience is called having brand continuity. In a few bullets, you need to have:

    • Consistency—Brand continuity is the marketing term used to define a consistent image across all marketing channels to increase the brand image.
    • Focused Approach—Each marketing platform and each employee should deliver the same message to customers. For example, emphasizes maximizing value in each department’s strategy for customer interaction.
    • Strong Visuals—Brand continuity refers to all interactions between brand and customer, but predominantly it’s visual. As such, maintaining consistent logos, fonts, colors, language, and other design elements are the most important aspect of establishing brand continuity.

One important fix

Where most small business owners miss out on establishing their brand continuity is on the physical products themselves. A high-quality, set of custom labels that are consistent across your products and emphasizes your brand identity is crucial. Find a label that is custom fit for your product like the circle label featured in the picture above.

The importance of branding your products cannot be overstated, as the customer may not return to your webpage or social media page, but they will see your product’s label many times throughout the product’s life cycle. You must maximize your brand identity directly on the product for this reason. So when they're devastated that the product they love is running low, it will be easy for them to remember your product and company name the next time they go to buy.

