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5 Creative Ways That Labeling Can Help with Holiday Stress

According to a report from the Consumer Reports National Research Center, 90% of people say they stress over at least one part of the holiday season. Odds are you’ve felt the extra pressure at some point this holiday season already. So we’ve put together 5 ways that Dymo labels can help you eliminate some of the leading causes of holiday stress.

1. Keep organized
Last year, Huffington Post polled 1,000 American adults to discover the most common causes of stress. 84% reported that they worry their home is not clean or organized enough. Add to that new presents, gift wrap, holiday foods, and visiting family members and you have a recipe for extreme stress overload. This holiday season give that extra stuff a clearly labeled place to call home that all the family can follow. The key is to be specific with your labeling and communicate to everyone about the system. 

2. Label Christmas fund change “buckets”
37% of people report that they stress about going into debt over the holiday season. A great way to avoid this stress is to label “buckets” to place spare change or extra cash in the months leading up to the holiday season. You’d be surprised how quickly this can add up! (Hint: office break rooms can be literal gold mines for change!)

3. Make and Label the perfect Christmas playlist
Music has the amazing ability to influence your mood and stress levels. Sure, it’s 2014, and you probably have a music streaming service and digital library, but there’s nothing quite like putting together a hard copy of that perfect Christmas playlist with all your favorite songs. Get creative and have fun labeling it once it’s just right.

4. Remind yourself to stay fit
Gaining weight over the holiday season is a cause of stress for 37% of people. Place fun, motivational labels around the house to remind you to keep your workout routine and lay off those extra Christmas cookies!

5. Take Control
The neat thing about labels is that they are visual representations of your decisions to take control. The real source of stress is a lack of control over life and circumstances. So create a strategy to take back control this holiday season and make it visual with labels.

